Motorcycle Plaque Collection

Welcome. I like hunting down motorcycle and scootering event plaques from all over the world. My collection includes many plaques from Germany, as well as pieces from Italy, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic, United States, and Great Britain. The images are sorted chronologically.

In my archival quest, I have found that a flatbed document scanner works well at capturing photos of these. The big issue occurs if you have a plaque with any amount of topography change. Document scanners have a very specific range of focus, and a bump in the casting or a plaque which is cast slightly convex, makes it very difficult to make a totally clean capture. You will see some examples below where the edges are a little out of focus, or some examples where I have had to just resort to taking a traditional photograph.

If you have any comments on anything on this page, please feel free to get in touch by emailing wdudley at gmail dot com. I am always interested to hear input on plaques listed here, whether it be photos of the actual event, or even corrections to my descriptions. If you have a website featuring your own collection, please send it along as I would love to see it and feature a link on the bottom of this page. I am also looking for a copy of The World of Car Badges Complete Reference Guide to Royal & National Motoring Associations of the World by Jan Sarnesjo (ISBN #9197477206). Please get in touch if you have a copy for sale.

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1932 Dem Sieger Fuchsjagd Gestiftet Vom Motorsportclub Langgöns
1947 Moto Club Mondovì 7th Gimkana - Italian - stamped construction, 40mm diameter excluding the mounting tabs, there is a maker's mark just behind the rear wheel however I haven't been able to decipher it yet.
1950 ARČS Česko-Moravsko Slovenská Motocyklová Soutěž - Slovakia - 56x80mm, large pin back, ARČS is Autoklub Republiky Československe
1952 A.C. Udine Benedizione Autoveicoli - Italian - 59x39mm, stamped construction
1954 ADAC Zielfahrt Zum 2. Moto Cross Heidenheim/Brenz
1954 DMV II Geschicklichkeitswettbewerb Motorsport u. Touring Club Südbaden - 80mm diameter
1955 Moto Cross Stamk Sektion Bruck - 69x71mm, silver leaf & year tag is a seperate piece held on with wire, makers mark stamped: "Schwertner & Cle Eggenberg"
1958 Happy Wanderers MCC - British - 25.4mm diameter - back is engraved with "Northolt 1958 F. Bussey"
1958 Hessische DMV-Geländemeisterschaft MCV Laubus-Eschbach - 80mm diameter, makers mark stamped: "Hottenberger Prägewerk GMBH Langgöns"
1958 ZSV Steiermark 10. Zollwachsportfest III. Motorrad-Gymkhana - 51x83mm
1960 HCU 1. Internationale Heinkel Roller Treffen Celle - 80mm diameter, makers mark stamped: "Lehmann & Wundenberg, Hannover"
1961 DMV Motorsport-Vereinigung Hammelbach e.V. Stahlberg-Geländefahrt - 95mm diameter, makers mark stamped: "C. Poellath, Schrobenhausen"
1962 ADAC Zielfahrt Berlin 24 Std Avusfahrt - makers mark stamped: "C. Poellath, Schrobenhausen"
1962 SMK Malmö - Swedish - Sweden Motor Klub, 85x59.4mm solid brass, back is etched "1962 Lars Arnelarsson", makers mark stamped: "Sporrong & Co."
1964 ARBÖ IV. Internationale Motorradfahrertreffen Gmunden Traunsee - 66x73.5mm, no visible makers mark, however I received this plaque in a box from "Uhren Schanada Schmuck-Juwelen Linz Bethlehemstraße, 1b Winklerbau, Tel. 21739" I have not been able to confirm if Uhren & Schmuck manufactured plaques. If you have any information, please get in touch.
1966 Rund Um Hannover 1000km Motorräder (HMC) Hannoverscher Motorsport-Club e.V. (ADAC) - 86mm diameter
1967 ADAC II. Hessen-Rheinland-Nürburgring Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt MSC Würselen - textured back
1968 ADAC Berlin Harz Solling Fahrt - 79mm wide at the top x 92mm tall, I have also seen a version from the same year with gold border leaves, as well as a version that has the same silver border leaves but with blue enamelling
1968 ADAC Kreuz Und Quer Durch Die Havelberge - 84x97.5mm
1968 ADAC Strassen-Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt Schottenring - 79mm diameter, makers mark stamped: "Wiedmann, Frankfurt", I have also seen a version from the same year in gold metal instead of silver.
ADAC 1100 Jahre Stadt Würselen 5. Internationale-Hessen Rheinland-Nürburgringfahrt - textured back, no date noted, however the town of Würselen is first mentioned as the town of Wormsalt in the year 870. 1,100 years would date this to 1970.
1970 ADAC Niederwald-Geländefahrt Motorrad-Club E.V. Baden Baden - 85mm diameter, textured back, makers mark stamped: "Fritz Reu & Co., Heubach/Württ"
1970 VNM III. Int. Motorradfahrer Ostseezelttreffen Eckernförde - 62x78mm, textured back
1970 VNM IV. Internationales Motorradfahrertreffen Bürgstadt Zielfahrt - textured back, depicting a Nimbus Type C
1971 ADAC Prüfungsfahrt Nordbaden Für Serienmotorräder Nordbaden e.V. Karlsruhe Hockenheim Ring - 119x76.5mm, textured back, makers mark stamped: "A. Rettenmaier, Schwäbisch Gmünd"
1971 10. Sauerländische ADAC-Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt - 91mm diameter, textured back, makers mark stamped: "A. Rettenmaier, Schwäbisch Gmünd", there also exists a version from the same year with gold metal instead of silver.
1971 Hondsrug Rally Drouwenerzand - Dutch
1971 VNM Internationale Zielfahrt Hamburg - 95mm diameter, textured back, depicting a Laverda 750 SF, makers mark stamped: "A. Rettenmaier, Schwäbisch Gmünd"
9. Ingelheimer ADAC Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt 1972 - 70x89mm
1972 FIM Bielsko Biała Grutar Poland - Polish - threaded lug on back
1972 MSV Schwere Rangau-Geländefahrt Uehlfeld Deutscher Geländemeisterschaftslauf - 101x97mm, makers mark stamped: "G. Brehmer, Nürnberg"
1973 16. Internationale ADAC Prüfungsfahrt Solitude Auf Dem Hockenheim Ring - 82x100mm, textured back, makers mark stamped: "A. Rettenmaier, Schwäbisch Gmünd"
1973 DMV Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt Nürburgring MSC Werl - textured back, makers mark stamped: "A. Rettenmaier, Schwäbisch Gmünd"
1974 Hondsrug Rally Drouwenerzand - Dutch
10. Internationale ADAC Hessen-Rheinland-Nürburgringfahrt 1975 Deutscher Meisterschaftslauf MSC Würselen - 97x83mm, textured back
1975 ADAC Schwere Schwäbische Geländefahrt Gerstetten - 78x104mm, textured back
1977 ADAC-Geländefahrt Rund um Schweighausen MSC Alemannorum e.V. - makers mark stamped: "C. Poellath, Schrobenhausen"
1977 ADAC 19. Geländezuverlässigkeitsfahrt Rund Um Odenheim - makers mark stamped: " C.Poellath OHG, Schrobenhausen", I have also seen a version from the same year with gold border leaves
1977 FIM-FFM Rallye Pau - France - 63mm, textured back, aluminum construction
1978 ADAC 16. Geländefahrt Quer Durch Die Fränkische Schweiz Streitberg - makers mark stamped: "A. Rettenmaier, Schwäbisch Gmünd"
1979 ADAC-Motorrad-Gelände-Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt Freigericht - 126x69mm, makers mark sticker: "Carl Poellath, 8898 Schrobenhausen"
1980 ADAC Rund Um Die Hünengräber Ortsclub Delmenhorst - 98.5x66mm, makers mark stamped: "Deschler München 90"
1988 5. Inntal-Motorrad-Veteranen-Rallye MSC-Mühldorf Im ADAC - 90mm diameter, makers mark stamped: "Deschler München 90"
1998 ADAC Klassische Württemberger Suverlässigkeitsfahrt MSC Schorndorf - 81x107.5mm, makers mark stamped: "Rettenmaier, Schw. Gmünd"
Lambretta Club USA Pikes Peak Summiter 2012 - 64x82mm, from the LCUSA's Lambretta Jamboree in Colorado Springs. This plaque orinally had a large lower mounting tab akin to the British style of bar badge. This is my very own from that rally, it used to be mounted to my 1962 Lambretta LI125 and I was extremely fortunate to find it in the gutter a few hours after losing it becasue the tab broke off.
2016 Vespa World Days Saint Tropez British Team - British, "18/70" etched on back
2017 40th Anniversary R100RS Gathering - USA - 60.5x41.5mm - lapel pin back
2017 25th anniversary of the VCOA - 101mm diameter, limited number 135 of 250
2022 AMCA - 57mm diameter excluding mounting tab
2023 AMCA - 57mm diameter excluding mounting tab
2024 AMCA 70th anniversary - 57mm diameter excluding mounting tab
ADAC-Strassen-Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt "Schottenring" - textured back, I do not know the date of this plaque. If you have any information, please get in touch.
AMCA Junior - This is the same 57mm diameter as the AMCA commemorative year badges, but without the mounting tab. The Junior badge is an AMCA judging award.
CBM e.V. Berlin Int. Zielfahrt - 48x60mm
Vespa Oldtimer Freunde München - "76/100" etched on back
VMC Veteraan Motoren Club - Dutch - 70mm diameter

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