William and I trailered our bikes to the VJMC rally that was held Saturday at the White Rose MC grounds, and I snapped these pics of the more interesting (to me) bikes. The weather was beautiful, and I don't think there's a bad road in that area, since we went for a little ride and had a blast.

My son brought his 1965 Honda 305 Dream, and I brought my 1976 Honda CB400F. William received many compliments on his original condition bike, and I picked up a few for the CB400F.

Here are my snapshots:
insane dual CB750 trike
insane dual CB750 trike
insane dual CB750 trike
insane dual CB750 trike
insane dual CB750 trike
1951 Honda Dream
1951 Honda Dream
Yamaha TZR250
Yamaha RZmumble
Yamaha 2 stroke 500 twin
Yamaha YSR-50
Minitrail and Honda CB1100F
attendees Jon on his CB550 and Lori on her CB400F
Honda CB350 Four
Anthony and his Honda CB350 Four.
William on his 1965 Honda 305, Bill's CB400F
Street Rod Bug
Street Rod Bug front suspension detail


Bill Dudley