Thermostat User Manual

              O    O
    O    O  next  up
   A/M  heat  O    O
   run  set prev  down

    Run Mode:
        up   - increase temp setting
        down - decrease temp setting
	A/M  - toggle Auto/Manual
	heat - toggle Heating/Off (off means "never heat")
	next - enter "Set" mode
	prev - enter "Vacation" mode

    Set Mode:
	heat - go to next set point.  If this is main unit, progress through
	       all the set points for all the zones.  Otherwise, just cycle
	       through the set points for "this" zone.
	next - go to next field (active, hour, minute, temperature).
	prev - go to previous field (temperature, minute, hour, active).
	       Note: active field blinks.
        up   - increase field value (or toggle active/inactive)
        down - decrease field value (or toggle active/inactive)
	A/M  - leave "Set" mode, goto "Run" mode

    Vacation Mode:
	next - go to next timer field (weeks, days, hours, minutes).
	prev - go to previous timer field (minutes, hours, days, weeks).
	       Note: active field blinks.
        up   - increase field value
        down - decrease field value
	A/M  - leave "Vacation" mode, goto "Run" mode
	heat - ignored