Burglar Alarm System Wiring

Here's the pinout of the i/o:

2hardware everything Reset
20,21 SDA,SCLDS3231 battery clock
20,21 SDA,SCLsecond LCD display
26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33alarm contacts for 8 zones (via buffers)
14Serial TX3 to ESP8266 (100 ohm in series)
15Serial RX3 from ESP8266
16Serial TX2 to local front panel
17Serial RX2 from local front panel
18Serial TX1 to remote front panel
19Serial RX1 from remote front panel
34Alarm Bell Relay
38DNS OK LED (other side to ground)
39USE DHCP button (other side to ground)
40wireless remote button 1 radio output
41wireless remote button 2 radio output
42X10 Firecracker RTS
43X10 Firecracker DTR
44Adafruit Audio SFX Board Trigger 0 (barking dogs)
45Adafruit Audio SFX Board Trigger 1 (happy notes)
46Adafruit Audio SFX Board Trigger 2 (ta-daaa)
47Adafruit Audio SFX Board Trigger 3 (sad sound)
37Primary display 16 column Switch
48Secondary display 16 column Switch
A8Battery Voltage Monitor (via 1/3 divider)
12SECOND Backlight
A13SECOND A button
A12SECOND B button
A11SECOND C button
A10SECOND D button

Note that you will still have to hook up +5v and Ground to most things, except the ESP8266, which gets 3.3v and ground. Your radio board may use different voltages than mine, which runs on 12v. My audio amp runs on 12v. Just follow the standard wiring for all the peripherals (ESP8266, DS3231, Adafruit SFX Board, etc) and look at the table above if there's a choice on the Arduino pin to use.

William Dudley
March 24, 2016